“Den Vyborov” is an animated humorous adventure game created on the basis of the movie of the same name and a popular performance with the participation of “Kvartet I”.
The staff of a famous radio station is told to perform a canvass for a well-known man running for governor. As we all know the orders are not to be discussed but are to be carried out quickly and unquestioningly... and thus the musicians and DJ's, administrators and creative staff, secretaries and sound engineers sail Volga river on a motor ship “Sergey Abramov”.
However, in the course of the armed assault on the ship, the candidate leaves the election race. It is essential find a new candidate and this is an hour of triumph for Stepan – the main character of the game.
“The Election Day” is full of actual sparkling humor and irony that interlace with touching and sincere love story. The high quality animation and dynamic storyline will turn your leisure time into an unforgettable virtrual adventure.
Minimum System Requirements
- Windows 98/Ме, 2000, XP
- Intel 1000 / AMD 1000
- 128 MB RAM
- GeForce 3 Ti500 / Radeon 8500 Graphics Card
- 2 GB free HD space
18th October 2007